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We welcome you to  We encourage you to place a Free online horse Classifieds ad.  Just create your Free Account and join our horse community. Is a personal website of ours to bring you horses from around the world that connect buyers and sellers in one place.  We all hope that every one of these wonderful graceful horses find the best homes available for them.  

Our Goal
  • We are animal lovers and want to help any way we can with finding homes for horses that may need to be relocated for unforseen reasons.  Please, if you own one of these beautiful animals, please do take care of them the best way you can.  If you are needing to find a home for your horse fast and are no longer able to take care of your horse the way it should be taken care of, please let us try and help find your horse a new home.  We will help in finding someone who wants to love and cherish the horse you have.  This is our passion, to keep these animals safe and in the hands of caring owners.  They rely on us to take care and furnish everything for them.  If there is something we can do to help you out, please let us know.

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Suspicious Activiy
  • Unfortunately we live in a day and time where there are individuals out there that will take anything that may be good and turn it into a negative experience.  That being said, if you notice any suspicious activity on the site, Please let us know.  We want to keep this a safe place for people to connect without the headache of dealing with shady people.  It's very hard to go through all of the listings and decide which ones are real and which ones may be part of a scam so please be on the lookout for us as well.  Please inform us of anything you may find fishy but please do know that there are certain people out there that thrive on doing unethical actions to benefit themselves.  We want to protect you from being a victim of such scams. 

Our Promise

  • We value your comments.  We will continue to bring you the best online experience for all of your equestrian needs.  
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